For a number of years, I have had a vision of where I wanted this site’s design to head… Sadly, I haven’t managed yet to bring those ideas to fruition. So if you land here by following a link from another page, bear with me… It’s a work n progress.
Gary Boyd, Blue Ridge Dreamer
You know.. It’s been awhile since I wrote the words preceding these. And in the interim, I’ve tweaked the site layout.. WordPress has improved.. Some where along the way I quit worrying about monetizing the site and took all of the adds off. Occasionally I’d even remember to post something when I would run across an interesting story on the web. Not too often.. Life got in the way.
And a funny thing happened.. People came and read the posts.. Followed the links.. So I guess what I wanted to do all those years ago.. Kinda happened. And here we are 18 years later… Still going..
So… Thank You to all of y’all who come by. I hope you can find something here that informs you. You can follow me on Facebook.
May 7, 2023, Gary Boyd, Blue Ridge Dreamer