Appalachian Mountain Dreams

The Blog of Henry David Thoreau: Thoreau’s Journal: 12-Aug-1854

The Blog of Henry David Thoreau: Thoreau’s Journal: 12-Aug-1854: “Thoreau’s Journal: 12-Aug-1854
On Conantum saw a cow looking steadily up into the sky for a minute. It gave to her face an unusual almost human or wood-god, faun-like expression, and reminded me os some frontispiece to Virgil’s Bucolics. She was gazing upwards about 45°. There were only some downy clouds in that direction. It was so unusual a sight that any one would notice it. It suggested adoration.”

Reading this reminded me of this:

Photo of the Day

It isn’t mine but I loved it; you’ll have to follow the link…
Photos – Judith Polakoff