Appalachian Mountain Dreams

Friday Musing

This caught my eye this morning for no particular reason…

The Writer’s Almanac from American Public Media: “On this day in 1875, Captain Matthew Webb became the first person to swim across the English Channel. In twenty-one hours and forty-five minutes, he swam from Dover, England, to Calais, France. Nine years later, he drowned in Niagara Falls, trying to swim across and under the churning water.”

As a counterpoint, my Zen Calendar Quote for today…

soaking into the rocks,
the cicada’s cries.” BASHO

Think about those two extremes, total and constant motion and sound of the ocean and the waterfall and the stillness of the rock as the sounds of the night soak into silence.

My North Carolina Dream includes the waterfall and the stillness of the rock so for today let’s contemplate this image…

Photo of the Day

This small waterfall on Clark Creek is one of my favorite things about the area….