Appalachian Mountain Dreams

Wednesday Morning Coffee Muse

The rain I spoke about on Monday really caused problems on Tuesday. You have to understand, the rain stopped on Monday evening before sundown but the waters kept rising. My Tuesday morning commute was compounded by the fact that young son needed a ride to work…naturally, his job is on the opposite side of Houston from home and my job. In addition there were a number of major cmmuter arteries shut down with high water. SO to start off the morning what is normally a 25 minute run bcame a 90 min run. Added to that was the round trip to his office and back with all of the other folks who were running late. Then the evening commute added another 90 minutes to the drive home. Talk about a long day…

Oh well, today is a new day. Unfortunatly, they are predicting more ran with the cold front (this is Texas so that mean highs in the 70’s for a few days) headed our way for the afternoon commute…

Then the first headline I read in the Washington Post is Bush Sets Defense As Space Priority

“President Bush has signed a new National Space Policy that rejects future arms-control agreements that might limit U.S. flexibility in space and asserts a right to deny access to space to anyone “hostile to U.S. interests.”

“Freedom of action in space is as important to the United States as air power and sea power,” the policy asserts in its introduction.

Our priority in space is defense? Against who? Maybe I’ve read to many SciFi novels in my mis-spent youth, but if anyone comes at us from space, I don’t think there is much our government is going to do about them…So that leaves…Ahhh, another round of contract for KBR. Got-cha.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but does our government really think they can dictate to the world who can use the rest of the solar system? And here again, our Imperial President is going to disavow existing treaties when he disagrees with them. I know it’s a lot to expect from Mr. Bush but could someone give the man remedial lessons in government, at least enough so he understands that we have a constitution and it’s not up to the President to ignore the parts he doesn’t like…

Then there is Bush Signs Terrorism Measure. The key paragraph in the story falls way down in the story…

“With the midterm elections coming on Nov. 7, congressional Republicans immediately seized on the new law, which was opposed by most Democratic lawmakers, as evidence of their commitment to protect the country against terrorist attacks.”

And so goes our Bill of Rights…

Time for another adventureous commute…more later