Appalachian Mountain Dreams

What were the virtues of borage? – Herbal Folklore

I started reading KillerPlants a long tme ago, and still I find the daily emails informative. I discovered Borage quite a while ago also, and the flavoe of the flowers is still a delight ever time I taste one…
What were the virtues of borage? – Herbal Folklore: “Cool-tankard is now commonly known as borage (Borago officinalis Linnaeus). In A Modern Herbal (1931), Mrs. Grieve explains the use, ‘When steeped in water, it imparts a coolness to it and a faint cucumber flavour, and compounded with lemon and sugar in wine,…it makes a refreshing and restorative summer drink. It was formerly always an ingredient in cool tankards of wine and cider.'”