Appalachian Mountain Dreams

What plant colored a rebellion? – Plants that Changed History

In light of the Scottish history and traditions that fill the valleys and coves of the Blue Ridge Mountains, I thought the following was interesting. To learn more about the history of tartans follow the link…What plant colored a rebellion? – Plants that Changed History: “Six colors used in the dyeing of thread came from a single plant, the elder (Sambucus nigra Linnaeus). Of the elder dyes, Mrs. Grieve wrote ‘The bark of the older branches has been used in the Scotch Highlands as an ingredient in dyeing black, also the root. The leaves yield, with alum, a green dye and the berries dye blue and purple, the juice yielding with alum, violet; with alum and salt, a lilac colour.’ (A Modern Herbal, Mrs. Grieve, 1931, reprinted 1996 Barnes & Noble Books)”