Appalachian Mountain Dreams

Thursday Blog Rolling

As usual Patry Francis puts together a knockdown post today.

The truth is we write it every day. Not the one that appears in the newspaper, but the real one. The one we write with our words and with our gestures, with every step we take to every place we go, the one we think and breathe and read on the faces of those who love
us. And yes, on the faces of those who don’t.

The obituary that changes every day.

The one we write every time we say yes, and perhaps even more clearly with our stubborn refusals. The one that is wide enough and long enough to encompass what we see–and also what we turn our faces from. The one that records all that we know and also takes note of what we never allow ourselves to imagine.

Then she poses a question that I find very thought provoking. “So here is your existential question of the week. If you were only allowed a one line obituary, what would you want it to say?” Think about it. How would you answer?