Appalachian Mountain Dreams

Lunch on the web

Still trying to find work a rounds for the new Blogger problems. I really like using Picasa, but not being able to post from Picasa is rough.

I am finding more that I like about Windows Live Writer (it’s another Beta) (and it posts to Beta, too). It also seems to have some pretty nice picture formatting abilities. And a spell checker that appears to reach out to word’s dictionary. Actually I’m using it here and on the preceeding post about Fred’s Cards.

I see Doug is still on the B+W run of images.  Looking Good…I like this quote:

Photography is a window into two worlds: The one that is and the one that we see. The two are not always the same.

Is this a good photograph? That depends on your point of view. I like it and that’s the point of view that counts most to me.