Appalachian Mountain Dreams

Wednesday Morning Coffee Muse

The north wind is whistling around the window frame as I sit at the kitchen table having my coffee and reading my email this morning. They were saying last night that this is a Pacific Cold front. I guess I should probably turn the AC off as this is more than likely the warmest it will get today and the outside temp just matched the inside temp…This place is just way too warm for this time of year.


I just love Rob Brezsny’s horoscopes, this was in today’s email…

Aquarius (January 20-February 19)
Goose bumps and burning sensations coursed through me as I meditated on your upcoming adventures. From what I can tell, your rambles will be both spooky and fulfilling. They’ll knock you on your ass and lift your spirits, sometimes at the same time. They’ll give you almost more blessings than you can handle, even as they invite you to take on responsibilities that will give you the chance to be a hero. Are you ready to have your certainties challenged in the most useful ways possible?

Free Will Astrology : Aquarius Horoscope.


Nothing in the news catches my eye this morning. So I think I’ll go ahead an close this out…I am still having issues with Blogger Beta but work arounds are being found. I like the formatting of BlogJet but can’t get it to post to Blogger Beta so I am running it cutting out the code and pasting it into Windows Live Writer for posting. Live writer has a plug-in for Flickr that let’s you browse your Flickr account (or any other) and place the picture code into your post…I like. If it just had a browser button or right click menu command for capture like BlogJet I would be a happy camper. Since everyone seems to be in software beta mode maybe something will shake out in the near future to make these posts easier.


Today’s Photo

From this past weekend.



Fulton Mansion State Historic Structure is on Fulton Beach Road three miles north of Rockport. The three-story, Second Empire house was built by George W. Fulton, Sr.,qv rancher and businessman; he lived there from 1877 to 1893. The unusual house features innovative heating, ventilating, and food-preservation systems. It remained in private hands until 1976, when the state purchased the 2.3-acre site. The house was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1975 and was restored in 1983. It is maintained as a museum by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.qv

Christopher Long

Handbook of Texas Online, s.v. “,” (accessed November 15, 2006).

Ya’ll be safe and have a great day.