Appalachian Mountain Dreams

Winter Harvest Manuel ::: Four Season Farm

Ok folks, I guess I am losing it. I first read Eliot Coleman back in the early ’70’s in The Mother Earth News ( I still have the first 10 or 12 years of issues), and I have been reading the “Cook’s Garden” ever since I managed to start pulling in the Washington Post off the Internet. I did not know until today that Eliot and Barbara were married…I discovered the fact when I wandered over to their website for their “Four Season Farm“.

Order Winter Harvest Manual

The traditional fresh produce season for market gardeners in the colder parts of North America begins in June and ends in September. For the past eight years, in defiance of our long, cold Maine winters, we have been developing an environmentally sound, resource efficient, and economically viable system for extending fresh vegetable production into “the other eight months.” We call it the “winter harvest.” Our success thus far is very encouraging. We currently sell freshly harvested salads and main course vegetables from the 1st of October until the 31st of May.

This manual records our recent experiences in planning, carrying out, and fine tuning a fresh vegetable production and marketing operation on the back side of the calendar.

Source: Winter Harvest Manuel ::: Four Season Farm

For me the first thing that came to mind when I red the above (and additional info on their site) was what a great way for someone trying to make it in small scale farming in this day. Not only are you supplying something needed in a time when most of that product is coming from far away, but you will be supplying a superior product locally when you command a premium.

It even sound like you could probably earn enough on the out side of the calendar to enjoy a bit of relaxation in the “season” when prices are down and everyone is competing for the almighty dollar.