Appalachian Mountain Dreams

Leon Hale: A dream of rain

For Pablo who I know is out of the country. I thought this would help ease the pain of no real rain… 

A dream of rain

We’re in the old country house at Winedale for a few days, and last night we had rain. Every time I woke up during the night rain was making music on this tin roof.

I had a dream. I dreamed that it rained for three days and three nights, and the gauge filled and ran over, and the water in our stock tank rose and rose until it ran around the spillway and into the creek, and I could see bass jumping in the tank and ducks flew in, and geese, and deer came to drink, and the land all around was soaked and happy.

At 5:30 I got up and I knew I’d been dreaming but maybe some of it was true so I took a flashlight and went out to the rain gauge to check, and all through the night we’d had four-tenths of an inch.

Source: Leon Hale: A dream of rain