Appalachian Mountain Dreams

Today’s Outlook – Foggy early, clearing later

How about a quote to start the day…

The tree which moves some to tears of joy is in the eyes of others only a green thing that stands in the way.
– William Blake

I think William Blake had one hell of an insight in the remark. In a lot of ways that one comment covers the differences in the two ends of the political spectrum. It also explains the lack of common ground in most public issues. The two side just can’t fathom the viewpoint of the other side. We aren’t talking different planets here, we are talking about being from different solar systems mentally. Sorry for the “duh” moment, but I just had a “duh” moment.

I am running a little behind this morning due to a doubling of my normal morning email load. Mind you we aren’t talking about spam (well none that wasn’t actually requested by me at one point or another), mainly just Google Alerts I have running to check on if family or friends end up in the news somewhere. Just another way to keep in touch.

Then there is this from a newsletter I get in my daily email…

What is the most dangerous animal on Earth?

They often work from trucks traveling the roads and streets at night when most people are asleep or fretting about the next day’s activities. Without them, road and barge crews couldn’t work safely, children would not be safe on playgrounds, dinner on the patio would risk infection, spending a day fishing would bring home more than fish, swimming, hiking, jogging, gardening—any of these activities could be the last outdoor activity one had from life. Their work is not glamorous; it is long and tedious, filled with its own hazards. They battle the single most dangerous animal on Earth; they are the mosquito control officers.

If you like oddball facts about plants (or even just real down and dirty facts), go check out the Killer Plant site. I’ve been subcribed to their daily emails for years now.

Source: Renfields Garden –

The big yellow children hauler just passed by so I better start wrapping this up and finish getting ready to drop my youngest off at the High School. Stay warm, stay happy, we’ll catch you down the information superhighway.