Appalachian Mountain Dreams

Wednesday Morning Coffee Muse

Yesterday’s gusty winds had the trees dancing with their limbs going from side to side. I spent a lot of time yesterday afternoon watching from the cast iron chair out back. I had to “babysit” the youngest son as he had tests run that required a strong dose of anesthesia. Let’s just say, he didn’t remember being wheeled out of the facility. Anywho, afterwards, I fixed him some chicken noodle soup and spent some time waiting for the soup to kick in. By then it was too late to run in to work so I sat and watched the day draw to a close with lots of wind shakin’ everything.

The weather prognosticators late last night were telling the world that all of this wind, blowing in of the Gulf of Mexico is going to meet up with a temperature boundary headed over from the west coast and wake us up with thunder and gully washers. So far the morning looks dry (what I can see from the porch lights at the back door as the cats changed shifts), but there is no telling what the morning will bring. I guess I should really take a look at the weather radar…Oh, hell…It looks like the drive to work will be exciting I should be hitting the road about the time the stormfront hits.

Oh well, On to the morning emails…The clock has chased itself around to the place where I gotta run…catch you later.

Later from work…I had a strange commute this morning. I was driving into night all the way to work. It just got darker and darker as I got closer to Houston. I managed to get to work and into the office without getting more than a little damp…Strange drive into a rough looking storm.

From this past weekend…Pecan bark.

There is something about the bark of a pecan tree. It’s shaggy even when young. This tree is barely twenty feet tall and this is what it looks like at eye level. This tree is so young it’s only been producing nuts for the last two years.

Last years left overs…

This is on of the few remaining stands from last years crop of grasses…

The thistles of this year…

The thistles are blooming all over already this year…