Appalachian Mountain Dreams

The Cool Truth About October: Shorter Days, Longer Harvests –

This column from Barbara Damrosch came at a very good time.  It reminds me why I loved fall as a boy…The air is cooler but the overall feel is of warmth…

When T.S. Eliot wrote “April is the cruelest month,” he might have added, “October is seriously underrated.”

Consider those two months. We expect from both a temperature range midway between hot and cold, with unpredictable doses of either. But gardeners, especially, embrace April with exaggerated hope and cheer, oblivious to the imminent onset of blistering heat, drought and bolted lettuce. By October many edge wearily and even gratefully into the shadow of oncoming winter, forgetting to enjoy the gardening year’s best weather.

Source: The Cool Truth About October: Shorter Days, Longer Harvests –