Appalachian Mountain Dreams

Saving mountains

From the Web…

Grandfather Mountain moved one step closer to becoming a state park when the Council of State on Tuesday approved North Carolina’s purchase of a large chunk of the property. That’s a win for the state and the Morton family, which will continue to operate its popular tourist attraction on the mountain through a private, nonprofit organization.

In Surry County, the Piedmont Land Conservancy announced last week that it has bought a second tract on Fisher’s Peak. Stunning views have been preserved, as well as flora and fauna. The peak is home to bears, as well as mountain laurel, rare grasses and chestnut trees.


Milepost: 214 | County: Surry | Acres: 2,080.72 | Hiking: No

Fishers Peak is a state-designated natural heritage area due to its unique rock outcrops and the plant populations they support. This site contains many forested headwater streams of the Fisher River. It is also the highest point in Surry County and a prominent peak welcoming Blue Ridge Parkway travelers entering North Carolina from Virginia. It provides a stunning backdrop for the Blue Ridge Music Center.