Appalachian Mountain Dreams

Eagan, Tennessee and Mountaintop Removal Mining

This morning’s email brought me this message from… Last week, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers proposed eliminating a streamlined permitting process — known as Nationwide Permit 21, or NWP 21– which allows coal companies to seek quick approval for their mountaintop removal coal mining projects. Roughly one-third of mountaintop removal coal mining projects are permitted under nationwide permits,

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East Tennessee Historical Society | Mountain Splendor: Art and Artists of the Great Smoky Mountains, 1850-1950

If you are in or passing through Knoxville in the coming  few month’s you may want to avail yourself of the opportunity to view this exhibit. I know I would. In celebration of the 75th birthday of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park: July 20-October 4, 2009–Mountain Splendor: Art and Artists of the Great Smoky Mountains, 1850-1950. From the time

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