Appalachian Mountain Dreams

News Story?

You sometimes have to wonder at the way the world turns…Where will George and Dick be retiring? Halliburton Co. surprised the energy world, members of Congress and the city of Houston on Sunday by announcing it will open a new corporate headquarters in the United Arab Emirates and relocate its chief executive officer there. Source: Halliburton says Dubai move won’t

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Monday Morning Thunder

Weather Report: LoudAs I was in the shower this morning I started to hear the distant rumble. By the time my morning routine had carried me to the kitchen for the first cup, the thunder-boomers were almost constant. The light show outside the kitchen window is quite impressive.Welcome to Spring Break all you little darlings…Judging by the weather forecast I

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Foggy Morn Redux

Well they promised fog on the TV news last night and Mother Nature delivered. Mild temperatures with lots of gulf moisture stir gently with little to no wind and you get fog, lots of fog. So needless to say sunrise just ain’t a happening this morn. The morning email brings some news from the mountains… I see that ASU made

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Walking the Berkshires

GreenmanTim has some interesting things to say about a proposal for a traveling meat processing plant. If America wants to reach a more sustainable means of feeding ourselves this could be one of  the methods needed to reach that level. Tim writes some very interesting articles on his site, this one was quite informative as usual. If you are interested in

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Everyone down here keeps saying it looks a lot like spring…but…Folks, if it ain’t spring someone really needs to say something to the trees and flowers outside my house. The temps yesterday hit the mid 70’s (as I recall, those were some very good years). I would expect them to hit the same place today…and tomorrow…though the forecast is only

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Good Morning World

To all my friends on the Blue Ridges and points north…Throw another log on the fire, winter ain’t done with y’all yet. Here we switched to a breeze off the gulf so our temperatures are moderating. It’s a balmy 45 degrees outside right now and heading back up into springtime temps again today. For all of the wine drinkers out

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