Appalachian Mountain Dreams

The State of the Union

I managed to sit through the President’s address last evening without throwing anything at the television harder than a few epitaphs, the strongest of which was probably “You damn liar”. One of the things I can not understand at all is the deficit. How can the President claim to have cut the deficit in half when it’s higher this year than last? Am

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Jim Hightower | SURGE

 Ok folks, this starts out strange but stay for the full thing. It’s worth the time… I don’t know about you, but I’m with George W on this one: It’s time for surge! The link above is the audio, the link below is the transcript. Jim Hightower is one of the last outspoken progressive ex-elected officials from Texas. Source: Jim

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Thought for the Day

 For a long time now I have been on the mailing list for the Blue Mountain Center “Thought for the Day”. Each and every morning the email is in my inbox. Each and every morning I open the message and read the passage. Some mornings I sit and ,dare I say, meditate on the thoughts expressed in the quote and

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Pablo over at The Roundrock Journal has a post up that taught me a new word – inosculation.His photos reminded me of a photo I took last fall in Fulton, Texas. When we were touring the Fulton Mansion the guide suggested we drive by a house a few blocks in from the coast. There in a live oak tree was

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Tuesday Coffee Muses

Good Morning, Pardon me while I pour my first cup of coffee…Ahhhh, that’s better. I see from my morning email from the My-Cast Weather Center that the country’s climate model is turned upside down again this morning. The temperature here is 35 as I type this which is a few degrees above the forecasted low for last night. And there

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