Appalachian Mountain Dreams

Black Mountain Story Part 1

Black Mountain was produced by Appalshop’s Community Media Initiative in 1998 in response to a group of Harlan Co. Kentucky residents who were organizing against a mountaintop removal permit for the tallest mountain in the state. The video was screened across the state in homes, churches, and college campuses. Produced by Greg Howard, Tom Hansell, and Nick Szuberla. For more

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Brattleboro, Vermont

Faced with the challenge of preserving their agricultural heritage and their beautiful landscape, the residents of Brattleboro created a local tradition that has captured New England’s heart: “The Strolling of the Heifers,” a feminine version of Spain’s famous “Running of the Bulls,” according to founder Orly Munzing. Up to 50,000 people attend this event to celebrate regional agriculture with a

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Maple Sugaring in the Adirondacks

ADIRONDACK REGION, NY – As spring temperatures begin to rise in late February and early March, Maple trees and sugar bushes become a hive of activity. In Northern New York, when sap begins to drip through sugaring lines, it’s a sure sign that Adirondack maple sugaring season has begun. Maple Syrup is called “liquid gold” in the Adirondacks – and

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