Appalachian Mountain Dreams

A Slow Road Reader

My friend Fred First is working on a new book. If you haven’t visited his blog, Fragments From Floyd, you should. Here is the announcement he has posted about the new book…Go check it out. Fred’s New Book May 2009 I’m very pleased to tell you that a second book is joining Slow Road Home in May of 2009. What We

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Workshop on starting a market garden business | | Asheville Citizen-Times

From the web… The North Carolina Arboretum launches its 2009 adult education series with a new workshop on Jan. 31, “First Steps in Starting a Market Garden Business,” led by Peter Marks, director of the Local Food and Farm Campaign for the Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project (ASAP). The workshop is free and will be held from 2-4 p.m. Participants will

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The Dream Continues

As time has gone by and we have explored more of the Blue Ridge Mountains, our Mountain Dreams have expanded to include the mountains of southwestern Virginia. Through the virtual pages of my blogs I have made many “imaginary” friends throughout the Blue Ridge Mountains…Some of whom call the mountains of Virginia home. As we continue to dream and plan

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Blue Ridge National Heritage Area announces grant awards | | Asheville Citizen-Times

From the web… ASHEVILLE – The Blue Ridge National Heritage Area announced 19 grants totaling more than $250,000 in funding designed to preserve and promote Western North Carolina’s heritage. Funded by the federal dollars the Blue Ridge National Heritage Area receives, the grant awards will help support diverse initiatives across the North Carolina mountains and foothills, focusing on craft, music,

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In the News…

With a unique blend of talent and resources, the National Park Service, the Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation, and the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina Foundation are focusing on a national epidemic – childhood obesity. A grant of $200,000 over two years will pilot a multi-dimensional program expected to eventually span the entire length of the 469 mile

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2009 Appalachian Mountain Photography Competition

From the Web… Registration for the 2009 Appalachian Mountain Photography Competition is now open. Please visit the 2009 registration site to continue. 2009 Appalachian Mountain Photography Competition. Past Finalists 8TH ANNUAL FINALISTS 7TH ANNUAL FINALISTS 6TH ANNUAL FINALISTS 5TH ANNUAL FINALISTS 4TH ANNUAL FINALISTS 3RD ANNUAL FINALISTS 2ND ANNUAL FINALISTS 1ST ANNUAL FINALISTS

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