Appalachian Mountain Dreams

Friday Mountain Dreams

Today’s email brought the Watauga Farmers’ Market News for tomorrow…Wish I were on the mountain, it looks like Labor Day will call for corn roasting on the grill. Here is the news…. This Saturday, professional cooking instructor Sheri Castle will be at Watauga County Farmers’ Market to demonstrate recipes using foods available that day from market vendors. Sheri will

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Going to the Market…

I wish I was. While I can’t make it for tomorrows Farmers Market, if you are in the Watauga County area in the morning, check it out. Here the teaser for this week… Shoppers at Watauga County Farmers’ Market will find many good things not available in stores. Katinka Day will have some great tasting but impossible to ship heirloom

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Land for Tomorrow: A coalition to guard North Carolina’s natural and cultural resources

I ran into a link to this site over at Hillbilly Savants…Go check them out. Maybe they can keep the North Carolina Mountain Dream alive until I get there. Land for Tomorrow is a statewide partnership of conservationists, farmers, business leaders, local governments, health professionals, and community groups urging the General Assembly to provide $1 billion over five years to

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Todd, North Carolina

Todd, North Carolina is one of the few places I haven’t managed to trek through in my western North Carolina mountain stomping grounds to be. I read about Todd before our first trip and it’s been on the short list of places to visit ever since. But for some reason, we just haven’t made the trip yet. A link on

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Have you ever watched a Bluejay eat an acorn? Around my home in Texas we have Bluejays year round. Actually, we have more Bluejays in winter than in summer but that’s neither here nor there. The Bluejays in my yard tend to eat acorns they find on the ground. Watching them find an acorn to try is fun but the

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