Appalachian Mountain Dreams

Tuesday Coffee Muses

Looks like the same old game for the Bush administration. Give a big speech taking the oppositions side away from them, do some back office finagling to ensure what you just promised doesn’t happen, and then just assume no one will notice. WASHINGTON — The Bush administration is drastically scaling back efforts to measure global warming from space, just as

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Monday Morning in Paradise

The humidity is down this morning, 83% with a temperature of 70 degrees out this morning. Not bad after some we have had. I glanced at the thermometer last evening after sundown and the temperature was still above 81 degrees. Evening cooling sure doesn’t kick in very early. The bits and dabs of rain we have had have been enough

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It’s Sunday Morning

Rolling out of bed late on a Sunday morning always seems a bit decadent. I tend to get up and catch “Sunday Morning” on the TV. Then roll through a couple of the Sunday liars clubs before moving on to something useful for the rest of the day. Sometime today the grass needs mowing before it outstrips the mower. When

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Friday Morning Muse

For all who came by looking for these musings yesterday, I am sorry for the lack of focus. I find myself in a position of having other things on my mind at the moment. Right now I am still processing. I am sure I will figure this out shortly, until then I’ll try to at least put something out here

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Tuesday – Back to work…

Yesterday was a great day to sit inside and watch the rains come down. After days of watching the rains miss us here in northeastern Brazoria County, they came down with a vengeance yesterday afternoon. We still have water standing in all of the low spots around the yard though the ditches have drained…The weather prognosticators are predicting more for

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