Appalachian Mountain Dreams

Again with the Thursday Morning Muses

The night was filled with distant rumbles of thunder…Well, it was the time I woke up, anyway. The steps outside the back door show signs of rain having fallen, just not very much. The weather prognosticators on the evening rumor and propaganda shows were literally glowing over the possibility of rolling masses of thunderous precipitation, both overnight and throughout the

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Virtual Environments

Kate, over on Cider Press Hill has a post on “Virtual Environments” where she makes some interesting points. Which really got me to thinking about what our virtual workplaces must look like. That led me to this post where I want to share my virtual desktop at work… Keep in mind that this is a dual monitor setup where I

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Scandals and Rumors of Scandals

And who said they were going to change the tone in Washington? Putting industry insiders in charge of the agencies that govern and regulate the very industries they worked for is a good idea…Why? Oversight of government is a bad idea…Says who? “The Department of Education has been run as a wholly owned subsidiary of the loan industry under this

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Fraudulant Fairness?

George Will is rapidly becoming an angry, strident voice on the conservative side of conservative politics. Now he is using name calling as a weapon against the Democratic Party. His use of the term “illiberals” over and over in his latest rant against liberals is almost funny…almost. Some illiberal liberals are trying to restore the luridly misnamed Fairness Doctrine, which

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Monday in Paradise

The weekend at work turned into more physical “work” than this older body has become accustomed to. Yesterday morning before returning to work the body was really complaining in all of the joints and muscles. But the job got done and the big show that opens today will be one more for the line stretching back into the early ’70’s.

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