Appalachian Mountain Dreams

Endangered turtle lays 84 eggs on South Padre | – Houston Chronicle

From the local newspaper, this tidbit of environmental news… The first endangered Kemp’s ridley turtle known to have nested this year on the Texas Coast laid 84 eggs on South Padre Island Tuesday, officials said… From 1979 through 1996, only 17 Kemp’s ridley nestings were recorded in Texas. Last year, the known Kemp’s ridley nestings on Texas beaches hit 102,

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Tuesday Coffee Muses

As I sit here with my coffee reading the morning email and news, I hear the wind chimes outside the door going crazy in the wind. We have had a pretty steady breeze blowing for the last four days. Sadly, the ac is cranking this morning so the doors and windows are closed. It’s not so much the temperature that

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Spring Blooms

Yesterday I posted on the perfume wafting on the spring air. Here are the two main culprits for the ultra sweet fragrance. White and yellow blooms are everywhere along the edge of the woods along the backyard. As I wandered here on both Saturday and Sunday I was amazed at the insect life that abounded on all of the blooms

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Lazy Weekend Thoughts

Blue Ridge Country Magazine One of the things I look forward to in the snail mail realm is “Blue Ridge Country Magazine“. I discovered the magazine about the same time I discovered the real thing and I have had a subscription almost since the very first issue I read. Since I started reading this mag I have stumbled across Fred

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