Appalachian Mountain Dreams

Sustainable Forestry?

I have been following Fred’s posts on sustainable forestry (links here and here)the past week or so, so when I say a link to the following on The Appalachian Voice Front Porch Blog it forced me to follow the story…to Greensboro, North Carolina. Eric Schaefer wrote the story for the News & Record there. “Why not selectively cut?” I asked, “That

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TGIF – 2772

A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions. – Oliver Wendell Holmes.. I am sitting here looking at a blank screen and finding I have no ideas this morning. I have made my way through my emails and other than the White House slowly burning to the ground, nothing causes me

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Dozens dead after Iraqi police go on killing spree | – Houston Chronicle

And we need to stay here why? When the police start killing people in revenge… BAGHDAD — Shiite militants and police enraged by massive truck bombings in Tal Afar went on a revenge spree against Sunni residents in the northwestern town today, killing as many as 60 people, officials said. The gunmen began roaming Sunni neighborhoods in the city, shooting at

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Wants and Desires…

I empathize with the sentiment if not the actual want… Costal Farmlet“A man wants nothing so badly as a gooseberry farm.” —ChekhovI want a costal farmlet.I desire it very much.I saw it advertisedin the classifieds and I presumethat coastal means our landcomes right downto the sea with the whitecapslashing romantically, and farmletmeans we can growgnarled trees on our headlandand let

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Support The Troops?

With all of the rhetoric flying around Washington these days, with the President claiming that if you don’t support the surge you don’t support the troops, with Congress fighting over when to end the fighting (or if to end the fighting), is it any wonder that the American People are getting confused? I have been continuing my informal survey and

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