Appalachian Mountain Dreams

A Sunday in Early Spring

Weather – Again I sit here listening to the avian chorus. The predominate notes coming from Redbirds this morning. An occasional percussive note being introduced by a woodpecker here and there. I am waiting for the mockingbird (speak of the devil), there’s one now. I am beginning to hear crows and hawks in the distance. The sun hasn’t broken through

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TGIF – Week 2770

Photo Friday – Heat Taken in the desert outside of Las Vegas. Hot it is. Weather Report – Yesterday ended very clear and seasonably warm(?). The temperature ended up around 76 by the time I got home from work. Even as the sun set, water still stands from all the rain we had in the past 4 days. Last night

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Thursday Daybreak

Weather Report – In a word…Quite. I left work yesterday a bit early to make my way home between lines of heavy thunderstorms. I managed to get from one place to the other without getting wet going to and from the car. Had I been just minutes slower at either end of the journey it would have been a “hole

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The Thunder Rolls

Pardon me for borrowing the lyric Garth. Weather Report Last night it rolled…Over and over again. Distant thunder, thunder overhead, I think I even heard thunder rolling out from under the bed. It really wasn’t the loud thunder of the other day, but it seemed much more continuous. Then again, maybe I was just dreaming. Anyway the day is starting

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Tuesday Coffee Muses

Weather Report It’s much quieter this morning even though the weather prognosticators keep warning us that the chance of thunderstorms continues. The temperatures are decidedly springlike. I see from the morning email that the BR mountains are starting of cold but warming up nicely. Welcome to the start of spring everyone. Zilker Garden Festival I exchanged emails with Felder Rushing

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The Middlewesterner

This paragraph from Tom Montag really hit me between the eyes. I have been having the same thoughts pretty regular these days as I look in the mirror of a morning. It’s not that I look that much like dad…But their is enough of a resemblance to cause me to remember bits and pieces. A fellow starts out to become

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News Story?

You sometimes have to wonder at the way the world turns…Where will George and Dick be retiring? Halliburton Co. surprised the energy world, members of Congress and the city of Houston on Sunday by announcing it will open a new corporate headquarters in the United Arab Emirates and relocate its chief executive officer there. Source: Halliburton says Dubai move won’t

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Monday Morning Thunder

Weather Report: LoudAs I was in the shower this morning I started to hear the distant rumble. By the time my morning routine had carried me to the kitchen for the first cup, the thunder-boomers were almost constant. The light show outside the kitchen window is quite impressive.Welcome to Spring Break all you little darlings…Judging by the weather forecast I

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