Appalachian Mountain Dreams

Independence from the Corporate Global Economy by Ethan Miller

Yes! magazine has their Winter 2007 Issue online. The first paragraph of the first article starts this way…  Call it “globalization,” or the “free market,” or “capitalism.” Whatever its name, people across the United States and throughout the world are experiencing the devastating effects of an economy that places profit above all else. I haven’t had the chance yet to read the

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Green Shopping Bags

Kate up at Cider Press Hill posted about these today… My new shopping bags My grocery store is trying out a new product. Last night when I approached the check out counter (I think I was the only shopper in the store at 10:30 PM), there was a display of reusable shopping bags. Like these: I like the idea and the

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Snake Tails

In South Texas where my Grandpa Sewell was raised, snakes are a big deal…A really BIG deal. Western Diamondback Rattlesnakes of six feet and longer are common. In the summer and fall 0f 1972, when I lived with my grandparents, we tanned a rattlesnake skin that was over eight feet long and about eighteen inches wide at the widest point.

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