Appalachian Mountain Dreams

10 Reasons to Buy Local Food

 This morning’s email brought the latest issue of Ladybug Letter from Mariquita Farm. A little exploring on their site led me to this article. I was going to extract the list headlines but it made more sense to just publish the list entirely… Locally grown food tastes better. Food grown in your own community was probably picked within the past

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Thursday Morning Coffee

I find myself sitting here with my coffee, already through the mornings emails and nothing caught my interest enough to comment on. I’ve already visited my morning blogroll in the Blue Ridge Mountains. I followed Marie and Harley on their Christmas excursion to the wild Christmas Tree Farm. Checked in with Fred to see if he had recovered and was

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Kitchen Gardeners International

If you’ve never tried the site, check out Kitchen Gardens International…  Wendell Berry on the “industrial eater” “The industrial eater is, in fact, one who does not know that eating is an agricultural act, who no longer knows or imagines the connections between eating and the land, and who is therefore necessarily passive and uncritical… We still (sometimes) remember that

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Floyd County Naturalist/Photographer’s Weblog Published as a Memoir of Place

Fred’s getting some good press these days. They are even offering the book through their on-line store.  (Floyd, Virginia) Some of us long for belonging to the land, for roots in particular and special places where, for reasons usually beyond our knowing, we resonate with the landscape. For those like Fred First who have lived other places and then been

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This house intrigues me. I pass it on my way to and from work regularly. It is on a road that once upon a time brought children from the countryside to the local public school. As a matter of fact it that is it’s name. In this part of the country you will come across a lot of small two

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PTO Friday – Email Muses

It was good to see that Marie’ family managed to make it home through the ice and snow of yesterday’s weather in Boone. I hope her fears of frozen water didn’t pan out… The take away quote from E.J. Dionne’s column today says a lot with a few words An administration that fought a misguided, poorly planned and ill-considered war

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