Appalachian Mountain Dreams

New Photo Software

Marie Freeman over at Blue Ridge Blog mentioned she was experimenting with HDR photography. The link on her page led me to the demo download of Photomatix Pro. I have been playing with the demo and I am really impressed. Here are some samples I have been playing with and the originals from the camera…And this:As you can see, the

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The Ladybug Letter

Andy Griffin wrote an essay in 2002 entitled “Somewhere Near Salinas”. It is about George Harrison, gardening, and farming, but, mostly it’s about life. I found this paragraph touched me. George Harrison didn’t spend much time on stage after The Concert for Bangladesh. He focused instead on his interest in religion and gardening. He even dedicated his autobiography to “gardeners everywhere.”

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How’s the weather?

For the first time in a long time we’ve flipped. This morning in SE Texas the temperature stands at 37 degrees as I type. I see from the forecast email I get that the temperatures on the Blue Ridge in Boone and Floyd are almost 30 degrees higher. Folks this doesn’t happen very often. But I sure will enjoy the

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Another Study, Another Reason to Drink Red Wine –

 In the last month we’ve been given two reasons to drink red wine. First it was the resveratrol which was keeping overweight, out of shape mice young now it’s procyanidins… In the latest research, Roger Corder of Queen Mary’s School of Medicine in London and colleagues analyzed various components of red wine. They found that substances called procyanidins appeared to

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Wednesday Morning Emails

The first thing up in my email que was the Washington Post this morning. The first headline that caught my eye was a story about the Freshman Senator from Virginia. In Following His Own Script, Webb May Test Senate’s Limits – At a recent White House reception for freshman members of Congress, Virginia’s newest senator tried to avoid President

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