Appalachian Mountain Dreams

Leon Hale

 I am sure once upon a time every newspaper had a Leon Hale. Now I doubt there are many like him left. He has been a columnist in the Houston papers since before I was born. He now blogs in addition to his regular writing duties. Do yourself a favor and see what I grew up reading. In 1946 I

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Earth Friendly ideas from Ideal Bite: Your place for green living tips made fun and easy, green consumer, organic foods, organic living, eco-friendly, ecologically sustainable lifestyle website!

OK, I don’t know how these might work out but the premise is right with me so I’ll “Bite”. I’ll let you know what I think…Or jump on over and try them yourself… We know that you would just love to “do the right thing” for yourself and the planet if it were convenient, fun, inexpensive, and made you feel good.

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Morning Walk – Tuesday

A person could definitely get used to greeting the sun every morning. The frost was even heavier on the ground this morning before sunup. Each step had that crunch of frozen grass. Each breath was an even thicker cloud than the ones from yesterday. Other than the “keeer-r-r” of the hawks greeting the suns warmth as it caressed the tops

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Morning walk…Monday

One of the carry overs from when our children were all in school is my vacation schedule. Ever since my employer switched from sick days and vacation days to PTO which combined the two, I’ve tried to save a couple of weeks worth of days till the end of the year…Just in case. That means that I’ve usually scheduled the

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Wolfgang’s Vault

 If you are of an age like I am, loved the rock music of the late 60’s and later, you really need to check out Wolfgang’s Vault and Vault Radio. This morning I have been listening to live concerts by CSN&Y, Judy Collins (right now she’s singing “The City of New Orleans”), Credence and on and on. They are showing

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