Appalachian Mountain Dreams

Fall Sunset

   About the only fall color around these parts is found when the setting sun paints the trees with that wash of oranges, reds, and yellows. The above view caught my eye last evening as I looked out the kitchen door. The trees are across Mustang Bayou from my house and a few hundred feet south of here I sit

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Good Morning Cyberspace…

Happy day after Halloween, otherwise known as November 1. Have a cup of Joe and sit a spell as we wonder through the headlines from the mornings email updates. For those of you wondering where I get the time for these morning musings, let me say a few things about how my morning goes…Teenage daughter, school, and bathroom, enough said?

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Monday Coffee Reads

Monday Coffee ReadsIf nothing else, this op-ed from the Washington Post has one of the best lines on the Bush Administration and Climate Change I have seen in a while. Changing Climate on Climate – “Indeed, it is difficult to imagine that the intransigence of Mr. Bush’s administration on climate change will long survive his tenure, no matter who

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Falling back…

After sleeping in, on this fall back Sunday, I spent the morning doing the email, political blog rant, cussing Blogger errors kind of thing. Then I did the morning talk shows before turning my interest to reading my way through my blogroll. Creek Running North was at the top of my list today, so I started working my way back

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Fall Color

Even in Texas we get one tree out of 20 – 30 acres that will show fall coloring this time of year… The only real problem is…It’s tough to hold the camera steady as you beat yourself trying to kill the swarm of mosquitoes that is carrying you off over the standing water from the past two weeks storms…swat, splat…ouch…I think

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