Appalachian Mountain Dreams

Leon Hale – Piddling

Ever since they gave Leon Hale a blog life has been better. Now he drops little thought pictures out there that wouldn’t make a whole column…Check out his thoughts on piddling. Leon Hale | A blog featuring Houston Chronicle columnist Leon Hale: “People are always asking me what I do here in the country. What I do is not much.

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Friday Morning Muse

As I sit at my computer reading the mornings emails here are a few of the things that stand out: From the Washington Post:E.J Dionne had this to say about the Clinton interview on Fox – “Sober, moderate opinion will say what sober, moderate opinion always says about an episode of this sort: Tut tut, Clinton looked unpresidential, we should

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Finding a Clear Path

A few weeks back Colleen over at Loose Leaf Notes quoted some of Jim Minick’s “Finding a Clear Path” published by the West Virginia University Press. Her recommendation sent me online and a week later my copy of the book arrived. I have to say I am thoroughly impressed. Jim Minick has a way of writing that makes you think

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