Appalachian Mountain Dreams

NC Mountain Fix

I am having a really busy week at work so I’m not doing as much reading and posting as I would like. The mail today also brought a time consuming bit of always appreciated reading pleasure, the October issue of “Our State, North Carolina”. Between “Our State” and “Blue Ridge Magazine” I manage to get a semi regular fix of

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Lunch time musing

I was setting here going thru my blogroll and trying to figure out how I ended up getting involved with all of these folks. I remember originally doing a Google search on “Blue Ridge Mountains” and ending up at Marie’s Blue Ridge Blog. Her photos kept me coming back for a good while before I expanded my blog list (a

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Autumn Redux

YES!!!! I woke up to clear skies and a temperature of 62 degrees this morning. Finally, a brief respite from the unseasonable heat we have been living with. The drive to work was almost pleasurable with the bright sun and haze of autumn in the air. I’ll try to post some pictures this evening…Enjoy the day

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Al Gore has it right…

Gore Unveils Global-Warming Plan – “‘This is not a political issue. This is a moral issue — it affects the survival of human civilization,’ Gore said in an hour-long speech at the New York University School of Law. ‘Put simply, it is wrong to destroy the habitability of our planet and ruin the prospects of every generation that follows

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Autumn – Sunset

For the first time this year I could stand out and watch the sun set without wiping my brow or my lens…I love it. Too bad it wont last. The rain blew through this morning but the clouds are still hanging on. It is clearing to the west or the photo above wouldn’t have happened. The weather folks are predicting

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