Appalachian Mountain Dreams

Ann Richards

A great lady who preceded the mess we had with Gov. G W Bush died last week. Molly Ivins remembers a thing or two in her latest column. Go have a read… – Creators Syndicate: “At a long-ago political do at Scholz Garten in Austin, everybody who was anybody was there meetin’ and greetin’ at a furious pace. A

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Buy local…Sustainable agriculture

I guess this is a prime reason for local sustainable agriculture if there ever was one… Calif. Farm Firm Linked To Tainted Spinach – “Federal health officials last night linked a deadly E. coli outbreak in bagged spinach products to a California farm company that sells organic produce in 74 percent of the country’s grocery stores. Natural Selection Foods,

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Today’s Walk

I went walking with my camera around sundown today. For the first time in days the sky is clear. We have had a “cold” front blow through and the weather folks are saying we should expect a couple of days of “autumn” weather. They are predicting a low tonight of…Maybe 68 degrees and the height tomorrow will be a moderate

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New Toy

The Drive to Work I picked up the new Nikon yesterday evening, so now I’m digital. On the way to work I was caught at a light around the corner from the office and this is what greeted me out the passenger window. I couldn’t move so I had to play…look for more as I get used to the new

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First Friday Musing

Have you ever had the experience of someone else’s words bringing forth a mind picture so vivid you could not disregard it? Even when the image the writer was invoking had nothing to do with your mind picture? Well it just happened to me reading Colleen’s opening quote over at Loose Leaf Notes . She had this passage quoted: Two

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