Appalachian Mountain Dreams


I picked up the August 2006 issue of National Geographic in the “Library” yesterday and it fell open to the “Great Smokey Mountains”. Their opening comments on Gatlinburg really hit a nerve because the only time I tried to make it into the National Park wasn’t planned, just a hey, we’re driving by…let just drive through. Bad mistake…after a couple

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Road Trips

I was standing out in the “backyard” today watching some weather moving in and enjoying the wind blowin’ the heat away. The feel of the wind and the heat brought back a memory of a spring road trip. I was returning from a job in San Antonio and decided to take the “scenic route”. Now in my family the words

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First Thursday

My day online… I keep reading about what a morning person Fred First is and I think it must be that Blue Ridge air, ’cause the only place I ever get up that early (without a really good reason, like a drive to the mountains) is in the mountains. And even there I don’t think I ever get up quite

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Summer doldrums

Since returning from my trip up the mountain I haven’t been able to work up much enthusiasm for posting here. I started this blog while in the buildup of excitement before this years NC mountain trip…now on the downside I need to refocus on the dream. The few of you, who are out there reading this, please bear with me.

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Commuting Muse

As I made the commute in to work this morning my thoughts turned to the physical differences between the place I am in and the place where I want to be. The two words that came to mind were FLAT and STRAIGHT. The flat is the nature of the place I call home. I don’t know that I can describe

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Valle Crucis, NC

This shot isn’t mine, my eldest daughter took this one in Valle Crucis behind the Mast General Store. I have taken shots of the same scene, but I like hers better. Here’s my shot of the front of the store… It seems that every time we visit Valle Crucis we end up making at least a half dozen trips to

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