Appalachian Mountain Dreams

Maple Sugaring in the Adirondacks

ADIRONDACK REGION, NY – As spring temperatures begin to rise in late February and early March, Maple trees and sugar bushes become a hive of activity. In Northern New York, when sap begins to drip through sugaring lines, it’s a sure sign that Adirondack maple sugaring season has begun. Maple Syrup is called “liquid gold” in the Adirondacks – and

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New Study Highlights Challenges Facing the Appalachian National Scenic Trail • Appalachian Mountain Dreams

Washington, D.C.—According to a new assessment released today by the National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA) and the Appalachian Trail Conservancy (ATC), one of the most beloved recreational footpaths in the United States, the Appalachian National Scenic Trail, faces many challenges that put the experience of visitors and trail resources at risk. Adjacent land development on privately owned land, sources of

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New Study Highlights Challenges Facing the Appalachian National Scenic Trail • Appalachian Mountain Dreams

Washington, D.C.—According to a new assessment released today by the National Parks Conservation Association NPCA and the Appalachian Trail Conservancy ATC, one of the most beloved recreational footpaths in the United States, the Appalachian National Scenic Trail, faces many challenges that put the experience of visitors and trail resources at risk. Adjacent land development on privately owned land, sources of

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