Appalachian Mountain Dreams

Dan Bricklin Log

It is always nice to stumble across a reference to someone you haven’t thought about in a while. I don’t know how long ago it was that I started reading Dan Bricklin’s Log, nobody called them Blogs at that time though. Dan was one of the originators of the electronic spreadsheet and when I stumbled upon him back in the ’90’s he had written one of the early web publishing packages. While it was easy to use and made web publishing quick and relatively painless it jut didn’t quite work for me. I still checked in on his (b)log regularly to keep up with what he was doing. At that time in my life I followed the tech side with great passion…Somewhere along the way the tech side took a less important focus in what I followed and I lost track of all of the early (b)logers I originally followed.

Here’s Dan’s latest…

Friday, February 9, 2007


Creating America draft chapters [link]


Chris Daly has a new website and blog that many of you will find of interest.

Readers who have followed my writing for many years may remember the name Chris Daly. Chris is my next door neighbor. For many years he worked as a journalist, including being the Washington Post New England correspondent and the AP Massachusetts State House Bureau Chief. He is currently a professor of journalism at Boston University where he has been teaching for about 10 years.

Source: Dan Bricklin Log