Appalachian Mountain Dreams

TGIF – 2766th of my life

I guess this morning will pass as the coldest of this year (so far). I know that for all of you folks from further north on this old ball we call Earth, 30 degrees isn’t that cold, but for this neck of the woods it ranks as “purty chilli”, as they would say in Terlingua. Funny thing, they decided this would be a good day to have a luncheon and a meeting in the warehouse at work for today. Folks, this is SE Texas and they don’t “climatize” our warehouse. Normally when it gets cold they fire up those large bullet shaped kerosene heaters that roar like a jet taking off. Since this meeting will involve power point presentations and speachifying by the powers, that can’t be allowed. Gonna love it…

Aw well, back to my coffee and emails…

Garrison has been on a Mary Mackey run at the Writer’s Almanac and judging by the examples he has put up I will have to check out the book…

Poem: “My Methodist Grandmother Said” by Mary Mackey, from Breaking the Fever: Poems.

My Methodist Grandmother Said

My Methodist
grandmother said
was adultery
set to music

how right she was

in that sweet sway
breast to breast and
leg to leg
sin comes into its own

If that excerpt raises your…interest go check out the rest here. Scroll down to Friday then bounce back up to Thursday for “Chicken Killing” from the same collection. Thanks Garrison, for the introduction.

Photo Friday – This week’s Challenge: ‘Self-Portrait 2007’…What better time for a self-portrait than your birthday. Mine can be found here.

Time to run…