Appalachian Mountain Dreams

Day One, Year Two

Gary Boyd, here is your schedule for:

Tue May 8, 2007

All Day North Carolina Mountain Dreams Anniversary (Gary Boyd)

And so the circle closes and a new round begins…

This mornings coffee muses start another year of beginning my day with a cup of coffee and a computer filled with email and news…

First up on the email front is the daily digest from Grist which brings disturbing news from the Super Fund Cleanup area. I guess a little personal history is in order. I spent some time as a teenager hiking and camping out by the Brio Site here south of Houston. At the time there was a couple of refineries on a shell road back a mile or so off the Gulf Freeway in southern Harris County. On past the refineries was Clear Creek, the dividing line between Harris and Galveston Counties. Along the creek there were a number of sights know to the amature archaeologists in the area as good sites to search for Indian artifacts, this is where we would set up camp.

Over the years I have watched the cleanup work proceed with fits and starts at what is now known as Brio with some interest. There were a lot of dreams crushed when the full scope of the sites buried “treasure” became known back in the 80’s and the people who bought homes on and around the site watched their dreams turn to nightmares. So to see that the site has now been “de-listed” as cleaned makes me wonder about the methods they used.

So if you want to check out your own home stomping grounds and see what might be lurking over the next hill follow the link after the quote…

A drop-off in both government action and funding has all but stopped the push to clean up America’s most toxic sites, posing health and environmental threats all over the country, according to a comprehensive series of reports released last week by the Center for Public Integrity.

Source: Taking the ‘fund’ out of Superfund | Gristmill: The environmental news blog | Grist

Looks like spring has returned to the mountains…the morning temperature in Boone of 32 degrees would actually constitute winter down here on the coast. I was really starting to wonder if Global Warming was gonna hold off until I made the move. The temps up on the Blue Ridge have been maxing out very close to our own, and that doesn’t make this Texas boy happy as I dream of leaving the summer heat far behind…

The clock on the wall is telling me the morning commute calls…Y’all have a great day! Catch ya later…