Appalachian Mountain Dreams

It’s Friday the 13th of July and I am NOT in the mountains…

But if you are, check out the Watauga Farmers’ Market. This weeks email newsletter has my mouth watering…

Summer’s heat has arrived in Boone and the surrounding farms, and with it comes the payoff of traditional warm season crops. Brenda Powers has added a nice harvest of yellow squash and cucumbers to her selection of jams and jellies including red raspberry, peach and grape, and she is also watching her cantaloupe patch for the first signs of ripeness. Jeff Thomas will have sugar snap peas, English peas, summer squash, parsley, basil, kale, and 3 kinds of beets, all grown using organic methods. The folks at Maverick Farms are keeping the tasty spring greens going and will have salad mix, collards and kale and also lots of fresh cut herbs including oregano, garlic chives, sage, cilantro and spearmint. The crowd pleasing pesto foccacia will also be available from the Maverick Farms stand.

Speaking of the mountains this weekend…I wish I was there to be torn by what to do…I wrote about the Grandfather Mountain Highland Games in my previous post, but you also have the opportunity to enjoy some great mountain music at the 10th Annual MusicFest ‘n Sugar Grove
with Doc Watson. Marie over on her Blue Ridge blog has a great post with photo of Doc…What a day job that lady has…While you’re at it check out her dragonfly photos then add her to your blogroll ’cause she always has some great photos for those of us who need that “Mountain Fix”.

As my buddy Fred First would say…Y’all get out and introduce a child to nature this weekend, it’ll do you both a world of good.