Appalachian Mountain Dreams

Two-Lane for Life

While doing some research the other day I was lucky enough to stumble upon the on-line presence of this magazine. It was one of those moments in life that you wish would happen more often…BUt if they did you wouldn’t get very much done…If you know what I mean…

JULY 2009 – Two-Lane Livin’ Magazines are Like Eggs & Summer Squash

It seems as though just a few rainy days ago, we were planting the garden. Freshly plowed and tilled, plants just set out and small, any harvest, or weeding, seemed far away. How quickly time flies on a farm. The weeding (and potato bugs) have taken their lead, and unless picked soon, sweet leaf lettuce will turn bitter and sour.

My new hobby of the season is chickens. Knowing absolutely nothing about birds or laying hens, I purchased four hens from a neighbor. I think chickens are strange creatures. Just a few weeks ago, daily egg-gathering ventures were like trips to the Christmas tree. Now I’m pawning off eggs on everyone I know. It’s like summer squash – they get passed on to anyone who will take them.

In many ways, Two-Lane Livin’ magazine is similar. Fifteen thousand copies overwhelm the front room until we get them all delivered. It seems like they’re everywhere you turn. We pass them all over Central and West Central West Virginia to anyone who will have them until all the copies are gone. Then, in just a short month’s time, we have 15,000 copies again.

via Two-Lane for Life.

Follow the link and enjoy a little bit of Two-Lane Living…I know I’ll be wandering down the old blacktop again and again…

2020 Update:

Three years have passed since we ceased production of Two-Lane Livin’ Magazine. The magazine was the premier–and most demanding– publication of our small publishing house. The decision to let it go was difficult, but without the demands of a monthly magazine, we have the time and space to explore and enjoy other projects.

Over the last three years, we have collected equipment and trained and studied traditional and artisanal publishing options. We have considered the services needed amongst writers and authors, and we have refined our goals to focus on the platforms, methods, and venues we believe will empower our creative community.

2020: A New Direction