Appalachian Mountain Dreams

Roadsides in Bloom 2012 Calendar Photo Contest

Please Note: West Virginia Mountain Dreams does not have any connection to the following announcement.
I have yet to be able to acquire a calendar myself.

*The supply of 2011 wildflower calendars has been exhausted. We apologize for any inconvenience.
WV Operation Wildflower
Roadsides in Bloom 2012 Calendar Photo Contest
Entry Deadline October 1, 2011
The Departments of Environmental Protection and Transportation invite the public to submit entries for the 9th Annual West Virginia Operation Wildflower 2012 “Roadsides in Bloom” Calendar contest.
The following rules apply:
  • Photographs must be taken in West Virginia.
  • Entries must be submitted as an 8″ X 10″ color print and must be landscape orientation (PORTRAIT
  • Flowers must be growing along a road and the road must be prominently visible in the photo.  They may be growing naturally or in an Operation Wildflower bed planted by the Division of
  • Highways.  Pictures of cultivated species planted in arranged beds, such as marigolds, pansies, etc. do not qualify.
  • Name, address, phone number, e-mail address (if you have one) and a short description of the photo, including location and county where photo was taken, must appear in the upper left hand corner on the back of the photo.   Photos become property of the state and will not be returned.
  • No more than three entries per person.  However, only one winning photo will be selected from any photographer’s entries.  Winners will be required to submit a digital copy of photo.
Twelve winners will be selected to represent the months of the year.  A grand prize winner will be chosen to appear on the calendar cover.
Mail entries to:
WV Operation Wildflower
Roadsides in Bloom Calendar Contest
WV Department of Environmental Protection/REAP
601 57th Street, S.E.
Charleston, WV 25304