Appalachian Mountain Dreams

The Monadnocks and Merrimack Valley Travel Guide – USATODAY

English: Rocky plateau on summit of Mount Mona...
Image via Wikipedia

The Monadnocks and Merrimack Valley

Southwestern and south-central New Hampshire mix village charm with city hustle across two distinct regions. The Merrimack River valley has the state’s largest and fastest-growing cities: Nashua, Manchester, and Concord. To the west, in the state’s sleepy southwestern corner, is the Monadnock region, one of New Hampshire’s least-developed and most naturally stunning parts. Here you’ll find plenty of hiking trails as well as peaceful hilltop hamlets that appear barely changed in the past two centuries. Mt. Monadnock, southern New Hampshire’s largest peak, stands guard over the Monadnock region, which has more than 200 lakes and ponds.

via The Monadnocks and Merrimack Valley Travel Guide – USATODAY.