Appalachian Mountain Dreams

Pitcher Mountain, Stoddard, NH

Kid-friendly Pitcher Mountain features a 2-mile loop hike flanked by blueberry and raspberry bushes. At the summit, you’ll find a climbable fire tower that offers vistas of the Green Mountains.

Pitcher Mountain Meadows
Pitcher Mountain Meadows from the fire tower.

Located in the midst of the Andorra Forest in southwestern New Hampshire, this little mountain is a true gem that most people have never heard of. Not only are the berries plentiful and ripe, but the panoramic vista from Pitcher’s peak is one of the best I’ve seen in New Hampshire–even among the bigger mountains and longer hikes. The view includes the many surrounding hillsides and pastures, the Green Mountains, Mt. Monadnock, and on rare occasions, a glimpse of the White Mountains–Mt. Washington and Mt. Lafayette.

Enjoying Nature’s Candy at Pitcher Mountain