Appalachian Mountain Dreams
Cades Cove

Cades Cove Museum

Cades Cove Museum | Tennessee Crossroads | Episode 2936.1

I’ve been enjoying the Tennessee Crossroads shows on Youtube for awhile. Most of what turns up in my subscription feed are the restaurants out in the countryside. But occasionally one like this pops up…

If you visit the Great Smokey Mountains National Park, you’re like to visit Cades Cove. As you drive through that area marveling at the scenery and the wildlife, you may know realize that the land was once home to a thriving community of homes, stores and churches. Hundreds of people were forced to move when the park was created and their way of life and their modern homes disappeared under the assault of bulldozers and wrecking crews. It was gone…but not forgotten. Tennessee Crossroads traveled to Maryville, TN to meet with some people whose passion it is to remind all of us what it used to be like in Cades Cove. Join Nashville Public Television’s Tennessee Crossroads to find out more.