Appalachian Mountain Dreams

Jim Hightower | MOLLY IVINS

Jim Hightower offers up another tribute to Molly Ivins… We progressives, we Americans – and anyone, anywhere who loves liberty and justice – have lost a true, trusted friend. Molly Ivins died recently. Yet, Molly was more than a person. She is a spirit – a big, boisterous, joyful, irreverent, hell-raising, fun-loving, muckracking, uninhibited, maverick spirit. As such, she lives. I first

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Beyond the Fields We Know

Somewhere to the south, there are wild orchids raising their heads and fields of grazing geese, but not here and certainly not for some time. Reading the above line on Kerrdelune’s blog brought back memories of this past weeks trip to the Wildlife Refuge. It wasn’t the orchids, and the geese were not grazing anywhere around me. But the massive

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Chicken Hawks?

Leon Hale just posted a blog entry on hawks…Chicken Hawks Inside The Loop A life-and-death bird drama is going on out there right now. Half a dozen pigeons are dipping and climbing and wheeling in a desperate way near our building . I’ve learned that this is how they behave when a hawk comes around. This time of year big

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Dan Bricklin Log

It is always nice to stumble across a reference to someone you haven’t thought about in a while. I don’t know how long ago it was that I started reading Dan Bricklin’s Log, nobody called them Blogs at that time though. Dan was one of the originators of the electronic spreadsheet and when I stumbled upon him back in the

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